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Bumblebee on lavender flower

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Pears are in season in the UK, and planting a pear tree can help to boost biodiversity

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Green Halloween   Five easy suggestions for a more sustainable and nature-friendly celebration

Helping birds... summer and autumn. Our top tips for food, water and bird-friendly planting

Getting kids outdoors   Encourage the kids to spend time outside and connect with nature

Refill revolution   How choosing refillable products can help reduce plastic pollution

Birds of prey   The UK's spectacular raptors are in trouble, and need protecting

Words of wisdom   How old sayings and proverbs can help us connect with and appreciate nature

Ten easy ways...   ... to help pollinators and attract them to gardens and green spaces

Ladybirds   These much-loved insects can help maintain a healthy ecosystem in green spaces

Help for amphibians   Frogs, toads and newts face a number of challenges – and need our help!

Inspire with hope   How a small community group grew to create a better future for people and planet

Eco-friendly spring gifts   A selection of lovely gifts for Mother's Day and other spring celebrations

A waxwing winter   Why so many of these exquisite birds are visitng the UK this winter

My Whale Tale   A new book aims to inspire people to take action for nature. By Emma Oldham

Bumblebee breakfast   Five plants to grow to help pollinators in winter and early spring

Citizen science   Take part in these nature surveys in 2024 to help plants and animals thrive

For more features, visit our archive

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Little Green Space is a non-profit project sharing solutions to the nature and climate crises, and offering inspiration for a greener lifestyle. If you like our content, please help keep us going with a small donation!

Save our soil

All life depends on healthy soil. We suggest easy actions to help look after it

Starling murmurations   

Experience one of Nature's most spectacular shows, and help endangered starlings

Eco winter gift guide   Environmentally friendly gifts for Christmas and other celebrations

Led by Nature  

A rewilding and nature recovery journey in Scotland.

By Fay Young

Green resolutions

Resolve to help nature, improve your health and save money in 2025